
Tuesday 26 April 2016

How We Can Be Productive? PPF tips..

"I need to work but I'm getting bored and feel sleepy. How to overcome this problem?"

Above situation always happens to most of the entire human being in this world including myself. It usually happens when I was trying to focus on study. Let me share with you a three practical tips that I often used to overcome this problem:

1. PLAN your day

Before I went to bed or during a weekend, I will plan any task that I would do for an entire day or whole week. This could direct you to prioritize and making sure that you won't waste your precious time by doing nothing. Marie Forleo said that someone told her, if we are not planning, we actually do not want to do it.So, planning our day means we really really excited to do it. The to-do list planner could tie us to fill our time effectively. I gonna share with you how I plan mine:

First, I would figure out THE MOST URGENT TASK to do for entire week
>>Start making a list. Eg, There is Test for Fundamentals Of Pharmacology this Monday. I highlighted it with my red highlighter so that I won't miss it.

>> Jot down when I'm gonna do those. Eg, Online Tutorial of Fundamentals of Pharmacology. Do it on Friday because I had leisure time.

Thirdly, this part that most probably people won't put in their planner that is PROCRASTINATION TIME. This lead me to next step..

2. PROCRASTINATION TIME@Give a break to ourselves

Procrastinate is not good BUT WE WILL PROCRASTINATE UNLESS WE ARE ROBOT. We a human being, not a  robot. We can't keep doing things over and over without giving us a break. It is not a crime to unwind ourselves after work out a lot of stuff in a day. The question is, how we suppose to fill our procrastination time efficiently? Okay, at this point you would think it is weird to procrastinate by doing something good. So, before I move on, I'm gonna ask you, "What did you do if you start to get bored?" You don't need to tell. Though, I could read people's mind. Let me guess..

- Lying or bed?
- Facebooking
- Instagramming
- End up withhhh.... zzzzzzzzz Sleeping!

Aha!! Were that right?? Yaa, I told you, I am a mind-reader. You can't fool me. Okay, Just joking, no offense! Smile..

So how are we gonna do if we are starting to procrastinate? Procrastination time also need to be in our planner as well so that we won't waste another precious time that we had and at the end of the day, we would say, "I targeted to finish my homework today but I end up Facebooking for hours rather than finishing my homework", "I think 24 hours that we have was not enough".  In those situations, we actually blame others that are innocent, do nothing to us and the fact is, we are the one who need to be blame off.

Okay Farah, could you please just move on. I'm starting to get bored with all the babbling


As I said before from my first tip, I will plan my entire week the task that I should done and work on and as well as if I couldn't focus on my work. I think sleep is a cliche and boring things to unwind myself and not enjoyable at all. So, I will turn the procrastination time into positive habits. These are a few activities if I started to procrastinate. Probably it will give you general ideas to procrastinate effectively.

~ Spend time with Youtube.
   Watching motivation videos such as Marie Forleo, Thomas Frank and Nouman Ali Khan.
~ Blogging
   Actually, I planned to blog during weekend only but, at the time I write this post, I can't focus to study because I need to memorize lots of
   mechanism of action of drugs.
~ Read a book.
   I downloaded a few ebook so that I could read it during leisure time or if I procrastinate

Are you following me? Yup? That's awesome!
Image result for procrastination

3. Last but not least, FORCE OURSELVES!

Marie Forleo said, "Loser Wait For Motivation, Winners Just Get Things Done". We don't want to be a loser, right? So, ACT RIGHT NOW! Stop reading my post! Ignore it! Okay just kidding. Please don't leave me. Stay! That's excellent!

I take me as an example, I usually felt really tired and sleepy after I back from class. I know I need to study but how I could do that if sleepiness takes over my brain, mind and body? Did I surrender and give myself to bed? Nope! I force myself to study. At first, it would be hard but as time goes by and I tried to change my learning style actively by making own notes or be a teacher to myself by saying "okay students, (actually me..) today we gonna learn about drugs that act on ion channel and Gaba receptor". Guess what? It works! If we pressured ourselves to do something, we actually managed to do it well by any means necessary.

 A very very common situation happen when we got a deadline to submit our assignment OR we going to have an examination next week or probably tomorrow. Okay, now I'm the one who feel tense. haha. So, those situations led us to stay a whole night, sacrifice our sleeping time, dissociate ourselves from bed because the pressure that dominates ourselves. Challenge yourselves! Force our mind and body to do what we are supposed to do.

Image result for procrastination

Alhamdulilah. That's all I could share my own experience to gain a productive time. I really hopes that we can fill our time with beneficial activities that lead to a productive life, InsyaAllah. Thanks for spending your time reading my blog.

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