
Friday 14 October 2016

When Maryam meet Taha

Jam menunjukkan tepat 5.45 petang. Alhamdulilah baru sahaja lepas menunaikan solat Asar. Terus aku capai Al Quran untuk dibaca yang aku cuba jadikan ia satu rutin dalam ibadahku selepas solat. Bismillahirahmanirahim.. Sambungan ayat 77, surah Maryam.

(77) Maka apakah kamu telah melihat orang yang mengingkari ayat-ayat Kami dan dia mengatakan: "Pasti aku akan diberi harta dan anak."
(78) Adakah dia melihat yang ghaib atau dia telah membuat perjanjian di sisi Tuhan yang Maha Pemurah?
(79) Sama sekali tidak! Kami akan menulis apa yang dia katakan dan benar Kami akan memanjangkan azab untuknya
(80) Dan Kami akan mewarisi apa yang dia katakan itu dan dia akan datang kepada Kami seorang diri.

Ayat 77 hinga ayat 80 buat aku jadi risau. Aku selak muka surat sebelumnya.

(75) Katakanlah (Muhammad): "Barangsiapa yang berada di dalam kesesatan, maka biarlah Tuhan yang Maha Pemurah memanjangkan tempoh baginya, sehingga apabila mereka telah melihat apa ynag diancamkan kepadanya, baik seksa mahupun kiamat, maka mereka akan mengetahui siapa yang lebih buruk kedudukannya dan lebih lemah penolong-penolongnya."

Risau termasuk dalam kalangan orang yang sesat..

Risau jika telah sesat, Allah sengaja biarkan kita bergembira dengan nikmat yang diberi yakni harta dan anak-anak sedangkan itu sebenarnya "azab dunia."

"Azab dunia" yang kepunyaan Allah

Dan manusia akan jumpa Allah di akhirat nanti seorang diri sahaja..

Aku teruskan bacaanku pada surah Taha. Ayat pertama surah tersebut yang menjadikan aku tertanya-tanya apakah sebenarnya maksud Taha itu. Tapi rahsia Allah sukar untuk kita sebagai makhluk yang lemah untuk fahami dengan logik akal. Ayat seterusnya membuat aku terfikir sejenak.

(2) Kami tidak menurunkan al-Quran ini kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) agar kamu menjadi susah
(3) Tetapi sebagai peringatan bagi orang yang takut kepada Allah
(4) Iaitu diturunkan daripada Allah yang menciptakan bumi dan langit yang tinggi
(5) (Iaitu) Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, yang bersemayam di atas Arasy. 
(6) KepunyaanNyalah semua yang ada di bumi, semua yang ada di antara keduanya, dan semua yang ada di bawah tanah.

Allah tak turunkan Al-Quran untuk susahkan manusia.

Seolah-olah Dia cuba katakan yang Dia suruh buat itu ini bukan sebab nak menyusahkan kita.

Bukan sebab nak ambil waktu kita yang sedang sibuk khusyuk belajar untuk laksanakan solat.

Tapi sebab Allah nak kita takut pada Dia.


Sebab Allah yang menciptakan segala-galanya termasuklah diri kita sendiri. Kalau kitalah mencipta sesuatu benda contohnya robot tapi robot itu khianati kita. Robot tu tak nak dengar kata-kata kita sedangkan kita yang mencipta ia.

Allah juga tak nak kita berpaling dari Dia.

Allah berada di tempat tertinggi yang hanya Dia sahaja tahu.


Monday 11 July 2016

Kebiasaan Yang Berharga- Ustazah Norhafizah Musa

Image result for mengingati allah
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri diucapkan pada semua Muslimin dan Muslimat di seluruh dunia. Semoga amalan kita di bulan Ramadhan yang lalu diterima oleh Allah, InsyaAllah. Sekarang ini mungkin ramai mahasiswa yang telah mula cuti pertengahan semester dan masih juga ada yang berjuang dalam peperiksaan besar. May Allah ease whatever things we do in our life that would benefit us in dunya and akhira. Amin.

Kali ini saya nak kongsikan secebis ilmu yang saya dengar dari Ustazah Norhafizah Musa yang menekankan kebiasaan berharga yang menjadikan Allah nombor satu dalam hati kita dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun.

1. Ketika kita hendak tidur

Tidur dikira sebagai mati kecil. Bagaimana kita nak mempersiapkan diri untuk mati kecil ini? Saat tidur la sebenarnya waktu paling penting di mana mengambarkan siapa sebenarnya kekasih dalam hati kita. Sambil meletakkan tangan bawah kepala, merenung siling dan memikirkan kekasih kita. Gunakan waktu tidur ini untuk ingat kekasih sebenar-benarnya yakni Allah s.w.t dengan cara yang bagaimana?

Amalan yang boleh dilakukan:
>> Menyucikan diri dengan berwudhu
>> Solat witir
>> Istigfar
>> Membaca surah Al-Mulk, Al- Waqiah
>> Membaca 3 Qul untuk meminta perlindungan Allah
>> Tidur di lambung kanan dan lain-lain lagi

2. Ketika terbangun dari tidur

"Ketika seseorang bangun dari tidur, maka perkara pertama yang terlintas dalam hatinya ialah mengingati kekasihnya. Ketika dia terbangun, apa yang telah dialami oleh jiwa akan kembali bersamanya iaitu mengingat sang Kekasih di mana perkara itu telah menguasai tidurnya".

Jika sebelum tidur kita dah bersungguh-sungguh ingat Allah, maka kita juga akan ingat Allah di saat kita terjaga dari tidur. Nikmat ini takkan dapat pada orang yang bangun lewat. Sebab apa? Bila bangun lewat, apa perkara yang akan kita fokuskan? Kita sibuk dengan urusan dunia, nak cepat-cepat siap sebab dah lewat nak ke tempat kerja dan sebagainya. Kalau kita dapat uruskan waktu tidur dengan baik, kita dapat lakukan aktiviti yang membina ikatan yang kukuh dengan Allah s.w.t dalam hati kita.

Amalan yang boleh dilakukan:
>> Baca, لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد، وهو على كل شيء قدير, SubhanaAllah, Alhamdulilah, Allahuakbar, Astagfirullah al azim.
>> Bersihkan diri untuk melakukan solat sunat

3. Minta pertolongan dari Allah dengan sabar dan solat

Bila kita ada masalah, kepada siapa kita akan mengadu? Bila stress dengan exam dan pelbagai lagi masalah, kepada siapa kita ceritakan masalah kita? Mestilah pada orang yang kita sayangi contohnya pada mak kita. Apa kata sebelum kita adukan masalah pada makhluk, kita bersabar dan adukan pada Allah segalanya. Ini salah satu ikhtiar yang bukan mudah dilakukan tapi kebiasaan yang sangat penting yang perlu dilazimi dalam kehidupan kita.

Amalan yang boleh dilakukan:
>> Rajinkan diri solat malam dan merintih masalah kita pada Allah. InsyaAllah, akan dikurniakan pelbagai keajaiban dan kurniaan-kurniaan Allah yang Maha Luas.

4. Benar-benar mengingati Allah ketika waktu solat

Bila kita jumpa dengan manusia lain, kita boleh mengindahkan perangai kita dihadapan mereka. Tapi, sikap asli kita akan terserlah saat kita mendirikan solat. Kalau dalam solat kita asyik sibuk ingat makhluk, hal-hal dunia, jadi kita tahulah yang kita ini sebenarnya hamba kepada siapa.

Amalan yang boleh dilakukan:
>> Doa kepada Allah supaya kita dikurniakan hati yang khusyuk ketika hendak melaksanakan solat
>> Meminta perlindungan Allah dari syaitan yang sentiasa menganggu kita dalam solat

Saya sertakan juga link video jika nak dengar lebih panjang lebar lagi. *

Saturday 18 June 2016

Positive- Surah At-Taghabun


Since I was in Adelaide, I have tried my best to stay positive all the time. But, it wasn't an easy task as going through many challenging things that keep crumbled me as time goes by especially when exam time is coming this month. The first exam that I gonna take that would be definitely stressful not because of a need to study as exam preparation but to maintain consistent and positive thinking of big exam gonna held. One day, someone asked me "How to Maintain Positive?". It such a tough question as I wasn't in the good mood at that time and can't think properly to give the best answer.

After prayer the next day, I read Quran from the pages I left previously. Suddenly, when I went through the translation of Surah At-Taghabun, verses 11,

"No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah . And whoever believes in Allah - He will guide his heart. And Allah is Knowing of all things."

something struck into my heart. I tried so hard to understand that particular ayah, even though I don't even know what I tried to find from that verses. I remembered from my previous usrah, I've shared about video of Nouman Ali Khan regarding Surah Al Qasas, Chapter 28, verses 10,

"And the heart of Moses' mother became empty [of all else]. She was about to disclose [the matter concerning] him had We not bound fast her heart that she would be of the believers."

I tried to contemplate between both ayah to relate those back into my friend question regarding maintaining positive in our lives.

Image result for positive heart

I concluded that to maintain positive....

First of all, we can't maintain positive unless we have the strongest feeling in our heart that lead us into a positive mind. Why? Because a positive thinking is parts of feeling. For example, if we feel anger to someone or assignments did not work out as we thought, are we in a negative or positive state at those time? Of course negative right? Angry (negative feeling) leads to negative thoughts or mind. To change that kind of negative thoughts we should change our feelings by any means.

From that ayah,

>> We know that Allah who the one can tie human's heart whenever we going through such traumatized situations like a mother of Prophet Musa pbuh went.

>> To get Allah's favor, we must have faith in Allah. I give you a situation. Most of us will use Google Map, Waze or whatsoever to reach any destinations. Even though those apps usually give different routes to reach somewhere based on traffic conditions, we still believe that we will reach our destination because we know they won't make mistakes. Same goes to have faith in Allah. No matter what happens in our lives, we must believe Allah will help us. How does Allah help us, though?

>> YOU should ask Him to do so such you ask Google Map to show you a direction to get to your destinations. Ask Him to give you a calm, strong feeling to go through those challenging situations in our lives. Believe that Allah will grant your wish as you believe that Google Map will bring you into your destinations no matter what routes you take.

>> After you gain that strongest feeling, InsyaAllah you will be able to bring yourselves to a positive mind.

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May Allah bless us in our ways into Jannah. Amin..


Tuesday 26 April 2016

How We Can Be Productive? PPF tips..

"I need to work but I'm getting bored and feel sleepy. How to overcome this problem?"

Above situation always happens to most of the entire human being in this world including myself. It usually happens when I was trying to focus on study. Let me share with you a three practical tips that I often used to overcome this problem:

1. PLAN your day

Before I went to bed or during a weekend, I will plan any task that I would do for an entire day or whole week. This could direct you to prioritize and making sure that you won't waste your precious time by doing nothing. Marie Forleo said that someone told her, if we are not planning, we actually do not want to do it.So, planning our day means we really really excited to do it. The to-do list planner could tie us to fill our time effectively. I gonna share with you how I plan mine:

First, I would figure out THE MOST URGENT TASK to do for entire week
>>Start making a list. Eg, There is Test for Fundamentals Of Pharmacology this Monday. I highlighted it with my red highlighter so that I won't miss it.

>> Jot down when I'm gonna do those. Eg, Online Tutorial of Fundamentals of Pharmacology. Do it on Friday because I had leisure time.

Thirdly, this part that most probably people won't put in their planner that is PROCRASTINATION TIME. This lead me to next step..

2. PROCRASTINATION TIME@Give a break to ourselves

Procrastinate is not good BUT WE WILL PROCRASTINATE UNLESS WE ARE ROBOT. We a human being, not a  robot. We can't keep doing things over and over without giving us a break. It is not a crime to unwind ourselves after work out a lot of stuff in a day. The question is, how we suppose to fill our procrastination time efficiently? Okay, at this point you would think it is weird to procrastinate by doing something good. So, before I move on, I'm gonna ask you, "What did you do if you start to get bored?" You don't need to tell. Though, I could read people's mind. Let me guess..

- Lying or bed?
- Facebooking
- Instagramming
- End up withhhh.... zzzzzzzzz Sleeping!

Aha!! Were that right?? Yaa, I told you, I am a mind-reader. You can't fool me. Okay, Just joking, no offense! Smile..

So how are we gonna do if we are starting to procrastinate? Procrastination time also need to be in our planner as well so that we won't waste another precious time that we had and at the end of the day, we would say, "I targeted to finish my homework today but I end up Facebooking for hours rather than finishing my homework", "I think 24 hours that we have was not enough".  In those situations, we actually blame others that are innocent, do nothing to us and the fact is, we are the one who need to be blame off.

Okay Farah, could you please just move on. I'm starting to get bored with all the babbling


As I said before from my first tip, I will plan my entire week the task that I should done and work on and as well as if I couldn't focus on my work. I think sleep is a cliche and boring things to unwind myself and not enjoyable at all. So, I will turn the procrastination time into positive habits. These are a few activities if I started to procrastinate. Probably it will give you general ideas to procrastinate effectively.

~ Spend time with Youtube.
   Watching motivation videos such as Marie Forleo, Thomas Frank and Nouman Ali Khan.
~ Blogging
   Actually, I planned to blog during weekend only but, at the time I write this post, I can't focus to study because I need to memorize lots of
   mechanism of action of drugs.
~ Read a book.
   I downloaded a few ebook so that I could read it during leisure time or if I procrastinate

Are you following me? Yup? That's awesome!
Image result for procrastination

3. Last but not least, FORCE OURSELVES!

Marie Forleo said, "Loser Wait For Motivation, Winners Just Get Things Done". We don't want to be a loser, right? So, ACT RIGHT NOW! Stop reading my post! Ignore it! Okay just kidding. Please don't leave me. Stay! That's excellent!

I take me as an example, I usually felt really tired and sleepy after I back from class. I know I need to study but how I could do that if sleepiness takes over my brain, mind and body? Did I surrender and give myself to bed? Nope! I force myself to study. At first, it would be hard but as time goes by and I tried to change my learning style actively by making own notes or be a teacher to myself by saying "okay students, (actually me..) today we gonna learn about drugs that act on ion channel and Gaba receptor". Guess what? It works! If we pressured ourselves to do something, we actually managed to do it well by any means necessary.

 A very very common situation happen when we got a deadline to submit our assignment OR we going to have an examination next week or probably tomorrow. Okay, now I'm the one who feel tense. haha. So, those situations led us to stay a whole night, sacrifice our sleeping time, dissociate ourselves from bed because the pressure that dominates ourselves. Challenge yourselves! Force our mind and body to do what we are supposed to do.

Image result for procrastination

Alhamdulilah. That's all I could share my own experience to gain a productive time. I really hopes that we can fill our time with beneficial activities that lead to a productive life, InsyaAllah. Thanks for spending your time reading my blog.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Why Smart People Underperform by Marie Forleo

Image result for smart people perform better

Hi and Assalamualaikum. Lately, I was watching motivational videos on Youtube by Marie Forleo. Most of her videos were about life and business as well as inviting a lot of influence people to inspire us to talk any relevant topics. Today, I'm going to share one of her inspiring interviews, "Why Smart People Underperform?' with a psychiatrist, Ned Hallowell.

This topic was suited us well as we living in a busy and overwhelmed by a long to-do list that would never reach the finish line unless we dead. Does dead could solve anything, though? Do we want to die in peace after done a great job for ourselves in the world? Allah said in Quran meaning, "So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers," (Ali Imran 3:139).

So, without any further delay, let's go through several tips to perform better in lives:

1. Define our Goals Clearly and Specific
Ned Hallowell said that we should be specific and clearly define our life goals in short, medium, long-term and lifetime.  But, as he told us "BE SPECIFIC AND CLEARLY DEFINE" meaning not making a long list but only THREE. Probably we had many goals that we want to achieve in our life but limit the number of goals could help us prioritize things.

                                Image result for life goals

2. Avoid Screen-Sucking
We have gadgets stay beside us 24/7. We checking emails, scrolling Newsfeed in Facebook and etc, thus, lead us to suck our mind from the screen gadgets. To avoid this, Ned told us to set an amount of time to do so and TIO: Turn It Down!

                                             Image result for obsess with gadget cartoons

3. Setting our Default Response from Yes to "Let Me Get Back To You. Let Me Think About It"
We used to be generous in saying something that we wouldn't know if we could overcommit at it. "Yes, I can do that for you", "Sure, I can show up". What I totally agree with him was, " We say yes to many things". That's true, guys. If we shift our "always yes" response into "Let Me Get Back To You. Let Me Think About It" plus, we support ourselves with solid reasons, people would accept it, though.

                              Image result for say yes to everything

4. Never Worry Alone
Ned said' "We are super connected electronically but as we have connected electronically, we've been disconnected interpersonally. People don't have that sense of affiliation of belonging, of company.."
When we have got stuck on something, we shouldn't worry alone. There are three steps to overcome this problem:
- Never worry alone. Worry is toxic that may lead us to totally disconnect with people and do harm ourselves.
- Get the facts. We always worried by ourselves because a lack of information or been rooted by wrong information.
- Make a plan even it doesn't work, revise the plan. When you have a plan, you feel more in control and less vulnerable which makes you more effective.

                          Image result for worry about your own life cartoon

5. Cultivating Lilies and Getting Rid of Leeches
What does that mean?
Cultivating lilies means we should do a project that worth it. It might take time and a lot of effort but as long as we satisfied, that's the key performing better in our life.
Getting rid of leeches referred to people or projects that just aren't worth it. They may be worth it in their own right but not to us.
But, Ned warned us that if we were done too many worth things, it could cultivate leeches as well. So, go back to our first tips "Be Specific and Clearly Define Our Goals" and set our priority.

                              Image result for priority quotes cartoons

That's all. Feels motivated? Act now! One of interesting tweetable from Marie was, "Loser Wait For Motivation, Winners Just Get Things Done". Oops! No need to snap, I never call you a loser, though. But, we probably a loser if we don't act right at this moment.

I also provide a link if you are interested to watch the video by yourselves.

Notes: Most of this post are not using my own words. I just recall and share the input I have got from the video. Thank you.

Sunday 10 April 2016

My beautiful Adelaide continue...

Two weeks mid-sem break could be give me much time to update my blog. As I said from my previous blog, InsyaAllah I'll share a lot more about a beautiful Adelaide. 

This is Rundle Mall that people usually go to do some shopping, eating or just to unwind ourselves

St Kilda. There are playground special for adults and kids. yuhuuuu

I'm in State Library. A nice place for students to study

Gorge Wildlife Park. Here, we can meet these animals with our own eyes. 

Actually this is not a kanggaroo, I forgot its name. We can feed them as well. They were so hungry when we arrived to that place. haha.
Picking strawberry at Adelaide Hills
Picking strawberry! 

A few souvenirs that I bought at Gorge Wildlife Park. I was the one most excited to buy those things even though I still have a lot of time to spend in Adelaide. haha
Hi! Meet my "baby"

I was at Handorf German if I'm not mistake

That's all. Hope this sharing may help you to give you some ideas if you planning to visit Adelaide. See ya!! Assalamualaikum.
Images by Freepik