
Monday 19 October 2015

Lesson from from Al-Asr- We have ENOUGH TIME!!

Bismillah. This is my first post in English. At first, I feel doubtful to post my article in English, but I take it as a challenge as now I am busy preparing for my IELTS exam next month. I feel tensed but never mind. It's a normal thought.

In IELTS exam, it divided into four parts that are Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. What makes me got anxiety to all these part is how I can plan time wisely especially for reading and writing part as the time given is one hour only!! I already do lots of exercises and feel not confident to abide with the time.

But, Allah The Most Grateful has answered my uncertainty by verses from Quran that is Al-Asr:

In the name Of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

I swear by the time,   (1)
Most surely man is in loss,  (2)
Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience.  (3)

Why is Allah telling that human is in the loss unless people who doing good deeds? I am not good in explaining deeply about this verses. If I saying the wrong explanation, please correct me because I never learn in details about Hadith and Quran.

We keep telling ourselves that we don't have much time to do this and that. In my opinion as an ordinary worshipper, Allah gave us time to do beneficial things. If we fill our time with something unnecessary such as gossiping, watching television, playing games, Facebooking, Whatsapp and so on, when  are we going to finish our important works? We need to keep priority at the top of our list. Thus, we WILL have enough time to do lots of things.

So, how I am going to use Allah words to help me in my exam? Of course, I must arrange my time effectively by setting a target. How much time do I need to brainstorm the idea? How much does time require to finish the essay and spend a time to check any error from the essay? A lot of practices should be taken. I hope we can use our time productively, InsyaAllah.

                           Image result for time

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